Upper Elementary/Middle School

This program serves students ages 8 to 14 years old

Student Centered

Student-centered learning places the student at the forefront of the educational experience. This approach fosters greater engagement and motivation, as students take ownership of their learning and are more likely to be actively involved in the process. By focusing on the student’s unique abilities and interests, student-centered learning can lead to deeper understanding and retention of knowledge, creating a more meaningful and impactful learning experience.

Real-World Learning

Real-world learning immerses students in authentic, meaningful experiences that connect classroom learning to the world outside. By engaging with real-world problems, scenarios, and projects, students can see the relevance of their learning and its applications in practical settings. This approach promotes deeper understanding and retention of knowledge as students are motivated by the tangible outcomes of their efforts. Real-world learning also fosters critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills, which are essential for success in future academic and professional pursuits.

Small Class Sizes

Small groups encourage active participation and engagement, as students have more opportunities to voice their thoughts and ideas in a less intimidating setting. This fosters a sense of belonging and encourages collaboration, helping students develop essential communication and teamwork skills. Additionally, small groups allow for personalized attention from teachers or facilitators, enabling them to provide targeted support and feedback to individual students. This personalized approach can help students grasp complex concepts more easily and address any learning gaps more effectively. At New Heights our classes do not exceed 15 students.

Community Based Learning

Community-based learning offers numerous benefits to students by connecting their education to real-world contexts and experiences. By engaging with their local community, students gain a deeper understanding of societal issues, cultural diversity, and civic responsibility. This hands-on approach fosters empathy, compassion, and a sense of belonging, helping students develop into well-rounded individuals. Community-based learning also promotes collaboration and communication skills as students work with community members and organizations to address local challenges.

Time in Nature

Nature has a profound impact on learning, positively influencing cognitive, emotional, and physical aspects of development. Exposure to natural environments has been linked to improved attention, concentration, and creativity, leading to better academic performance. Time spent in nature also reduces stress, anxiety, and fatigue, enhancing overall well-being and mental health. Moreover, nature encourages exploration, curiosity, and a sense of wonder, stimulating a love for learning and fostering a deeper connection with the world. Outdoor learning experiences can also promote physical health through increased activity and exposure to natural elements.

Empowering our Learners

My hope for our students here at New Heights LC is that they will learn to love learning, learn to love themselves, and learn to love others. We aim to spark excitement for the day ahead, promote engagement in meaningful learning, and instill a sense of value in the educational journey. Every learning experience is designed with each student in mind. I want more than anything for students to feel confident in who they are and be ready to take on the world! We want our students to feel loved, valued and confident. That will be the true measure of our success.

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